Monitoring of the patagonian toothfish fishery (Dissostichus eleginoides): challenges of scientific observers
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How to Cite

Cespedes, R., Vargas, C., & Adasme, L. (2016). Monitoring of the patagonian toothfish fishery (Dissostichus eleginoides): challenges of scientific observers. Anales Del Instituto De La Patagonia, 44(3), 39–48. Retrieved from


The IFOP (Instituto Fomento Pesquero) performed an important role in the development of the fishery of the Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898) at the south of parallel 47°S, executing the research from the early 90´s that allowed this fishery to established and positively impact the economic activity in the 12th Region of Magellan, adding the fishing resources with a high added value. This fishery (at the south of 47°S) has been supported with a monitoring program of recording of biological and fishing data for administration and evaluation purposes of the fishery since its beginning, supported by data taken by scientific observers shipped in the fishing fleet of longline, classified in fishing´s log, sample of size of the captures and fishing biological sampling to know the reproductive condition and the age composition of catches. In this sense, this work shows the main challenges of the monitoring program of the fishery, by having characteristics of being permanent end timely the taking of the fishing´s biological data, it also has as goal to achieve in representing the time and space dynamic of the fishing activity and patterns of biological resources, being this as a bais the key to determine the state fishery situation, where the biological interaction with the mammals (killer whales and sperm whales) that depredate to t the capture of Patagonian Toothfish, it adds to the monitoring program mayor challenges to its research oriented to improve the fishery knowledge as a socio-ecological system.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Renato Cespedes, Cristian Vargas, Luis Adasme


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