Nesting of the South American Tern (Sterna hirundinacea) in Caicura Islands (41° S), Reloncaví Sound, southern Chile
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reproductive biology

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Cursach Valenzuela, J., Vilugrón Torres, J., & Rau Acuña, J. (2021). Nesting of the South American Tern (Sterna hirundinacea) in Caicura Islands (41° S), Reloncaví Sound, southern Chile. Anales Del Instituto De La Patagonia, 49.


The South American Tern (Sterna hirundinacea) is a endemic seabird on the coasts of South America. The present work describes its nesting in the Caicura Islands (41° S), southern Chile, providing information on the number of nests, eggs and chicks, during three consecutive reproductive seasons (2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16). Egg laying began in November, with chicks observed in December, and fledglings in January. Most of the nests featured only one egg. The total eggs per season were 295, 386 and 313, respectively. The hatching rate was significantly different between the three seasons, increasing over time from 41.2%, 62.5% and 82.8%, respectively. The cumulative total of chicks per season was 119, 249 and 223, respectively. The total chick mortality was near to 10%. The Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) was identified as the main predator of eggs and chicks of the South American Tern. Finally, the Caicura Islands are the second most important site in Chile for the reproduction of the South American Tern.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Jaime Cursach Valenzuela, Jonnathan Vilugrón Torres, Jaime Rau Acuña


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